3 Major Security Threats To Your Dedicated Server Hosting Platform

3 Major Security Threats To Your Dedicated Server Hosting Platform


A Dedicated Hosting Server is one of the most secure and powerful web hosting servers that offers exclusive resources with utmost server control, uptime, performance, and security.

However, the security of your Dedicated Server Hosting depends on your hand, since with more server control comes more responsibility to keep your Dedicated Hosting Server secure and up-to-date.

Online security threats and attacks spare no server despite how powerful it is. Even a single vulnerability is enough for these threats to attack your Dedicated Server and compromise its security.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the common security threats to your Dedicated Server and how you can mitigate them for utmost protection.

Major security threats your Dedicated Server Hosting platform

Here are some of the major and most common security threats your Dedicated Web Hosting service is highly vulnerable to.

1. Denial of Service (DoS) attack

A denial of service (DoS) attack floods your Dedicated Server network or machine with malicious traffic, making your website and its resources inaccessible to your users and customers.

Some common examples of DoS attacks are SYN flooding, UDP flooding, and DNS amplification. These attacks fail your services and result in website unavailability to your users, resulting in a major loss of customers and sales.

To ensure security against these attacks:

  • Ensure your web hosting provider provides firewalls to block malicious traffic from entering your web server.
  • Ensure consistent server monitoring to detect signs of sudden and unexpected traffic increases.

2.  Password breach

Passwords are the easiest and common points of attack for several online attackers. Cybercriminals can easily access your password and enter your Dedicated Web Hosting Servers environment with advanced and sophisticated technologies.

Hackers use tools and technologies to try various permutations and combinations of passwords, like a string of letters or numbers or your company’s name to gain access to your account.

Therefore, it is recommended to avoid easy-to-guess passwords and use strong passwords combining numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters to ensure maximum security against cybercriminals.

Some additional password best practices include:

  • Avoid using terms and phrases found in the dictionary.
  • Keep changing the password in regular intervals of time (every two weeks).
  • Login through a secure SSL connection whenever possible.

3.  Breach of security and malware risks

One of the biggest advantages of Windows and Linux Dedicated Server Web Hosting solutions is installing desired software and third-party applications to maximize the server’s performance and security.

But if you are not careful, sometimes, these applications can be prone to malware. Malware comprises several malicious software like trojans, viruses, worms, and spyware coded to hack and steal your server’s sensitive and critical data and information.

To avoid malware, make it a point to scan the files and applications before running them on your Dedicated Servers.

In addition, you must also ensure the following:

  • Ensure your web hosting company offers real-time server monitoring and ongoing vulnerability scanning and detection.
  • Ensure your hosting company checks for invisible frames and unusual advertisements.
  • Test all the server applications on an isolated and secure server or home device before uploading them to your website.


Cybercriminal threats and online attacks spare no servers and websites and are always looking for vulnerabilities to barge in and cause serious damages. Despite being highly powerful and secure, it can significantly damage your business sales and reputation if you do not efficiently manage and secure your Dedicated Server.

Therefore, use this article to stay alert about these three most common security threats and opt for the best Dedicated Server Hosting service with a reliable hosting company to keep your server safe and secure.

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Mike John

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