5 Low-Tech Time-Saving Ways to Teach Online

5 Low-Tech Time-Saving Ways to Teach Online


Online tuition classes can require a lot of hard work and some up to date technology. However, there are several ways in which you can save the extra energy and time spent getting tech-savvy and put it into preparing the teaching material.

Here are our top 5 low-tech, time-saving methods to teach online.

Establish routine

Discuss convenient times with all your students and stick to the routine. Condition yourself and the students to follow this routine throughout for a disciplined class. Make sure you’re adequately prepared for each of your classes and allow students the time to do that by setting deadlines and timing classes well. Developing this system will allow you to have a well-regulated and disciplined class and retain the sense of routine from schools making you and the students comfortable with the familiarity, saving both parties from exhaustion.

Static content for students

One person can’t tend to all the doubts and attend to each student individually. And honestly believing that as a teacher you will be able to pull it off is nothing short of suicide. The best way to deal with the physical absence would be posting static material for your students. This can range from self-recorded explanatory videos to pre-available PDFs of textbooks and YouTube videos. You can even record the classes and post them on a shared platform for all students/ parents to avail when required.

Promote group chats and forums

To follow up on the previous point, promote the use of online forums in your class. Create group chats or use a similar technique to post your static content in a place where every student can avail of them. Posting assignments, updates, the syllabus, and basic structure of each class for the students to refer help them prepare and return to if they miss out on the classes. Promote discussion and questions to be asked on such platforms as well, so doubts can be clarified among the students as a whole. This cuts down on your work, as a teacher, and allows you to address all your students as a unit.

Use quizzes/ assignment features

These keep the students engaged and allow you to assess their performance. Using this feature to your benefit on whatever platform you choose, makes the class exciting and interactive for all. It allows the student to actively learn and participate and requires minimal engagement from the teacher. These can also leave you with more time to prepare for your online classes and the content as the students require time in completing these tasks. This easy and reliable method is a win-win for both ends.

  • Asynchronous text discussions

The monotony of a droning lecture can get boring for anyone, students are no exception. Keeping students engaged has always been a challenge and even more so online.

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Asynchronous text discussion allows you to strategically nudge your students towards learning without being actively present 24/7. Strategic topics and regular inputs help spice the learning experience into one that nurtures active thinking and debate on the students’ end. Not only does this leave you with extra time on your hand while the students continue to learn but also helps students create and voice their opinions and learn from one another in an easily accessible way.

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Mike John

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