On ground cricket versus cricket fantasy gaming apps

On ground cricket versus cricket fantasy gaming apps


Going down the memory lane remembers all of us of a time when we used to play cricket as kids, come out in the neighbourhood playground, make teams and choose favourite players on our side so the probability to win the match goes in our favour. Cricket has been a favourite sport of not only kids, younger generation and parents but also of our grandfather’s too. So cricket was a favourite sport then and now too. Why people are so attached to this sport game and play it so enthusiastically? The main reason behind this point is because cricket has been played for a pretty long time now. Even when there were no bats and balls people used to play Guli Danda which was also a form of cricket. With the pace of time, the mode of cricket would have evolved but the feelings of people towards the sports game remains the same.

And why they play this game so enthusiastically, the reason behind this is that when a bunch of people gather together, a lot of memories are made and a real bonding time is initiated among the members which everyone enjoys. So, more than a sports game, it is a game that bonds people together. In those traditional times, nobody would have even thought that this on-ground cricket game would be transformed into an app and people could select the players and earn some real cash. Nowadays, people playing cricket on the ground are few as compare to the people who play cricket on fantasy gaming apps like IPL fantasy league app apk. In prior times people used to go out and be more active but today’s generation is more of an introvert kind that likes to sit indoors. Just like the on-ground cricket games, people have given so much love the fantasy cricket gaming apps and more than 50 billion people have joined the community of fantasy gaming apps where they make a minimal investment and build higher returns. The generations evolved, the period evolves and so does the mode of cricket. Since we have been a part of both the on-ground and online gaming cricket apps let us sports major differences between the two

  • Indoor versus outdoor

Coming back to the time when people used to get up early in the morning, pick up their bats and ball, pull their shoes and buck up to play on the grounds. That spark and enthusiasm to play in the morning were unparalleled. Nowadays, people prefer to stay indoors and like to spend their free time bonding up with family and doing whatever is indoors. The fluctuations in weather conditions have been a major challenge in prior times. Rain, heavy winds, droplets, thunderstorms were a barrier to the on-ground team players playing cricket. But when someone is playing cricket on online fantasy gaming apps the weather conditions and a pitch is already taken care of. And the person himself is not on the pitch but just bidding on the players of his choice. This is our on-ground playing cricket that is outdoors and playing cricket on fantasy games that is indoors make some major difference.

  • Large network

On ground playing cricket has just a total of twenty-two players, eleven players of team A and eleven players of team B. So, the communication and the network are maintained just between a lot of twenty-two people and not more than that. While you play cricket on online gaming fantasy apps, people from several countries join and you create a worldwide network and teams. Through such a huge network, a person not only builds his links but also improves his introverted skills and communication level. You can also spot a major difference a network of worldwide people i.e. globally would be preferred over a network of just twenty-two people on the pitch. Also, when you come across people from various countries you can know their strategies regarding how to play and through which strategic plan they are choosing a specific player. It gives you a wide platform to learn and observe.

  • Opportunity to own real cash

When you’re playing cricket on the ground you may informally bet on the players and win some cash awards but that is just a one time opportunity. The on-ground matches don’t happen daily as everyone has a busy schedule but through Cricket fantasy gaming apps you can earn cash whenever there is a league happening. Indian Premier League is the season when players earn the most. While the on-ground players are busy watching the IPL, at that time the players of cricket fantasy games are earning real cash awards.

  • Referral and sign up bonus

When you play cricket on the ground, and you refer a friend of yours to play do you ever get a real cash award for bringing him up to the field and suggesting him to play? Never. But whenever you will refer your friend to play cricket on fantasy gaming apps you will get a referral bonus that can be used to invest in the games that you will play on such apps. Not only just for one time but for every time your reference gamer would play, you will get a referral bonus. Adding one more question to it, when a new player joins the team do you award him with some cash prize so that he is motivated to play? The answer is no again. But when a new player joins such fantasy gaming apps he is assigned a bonus so that he is motivated to play and believes in the probability to win the games.

Therefore, creating a large pool of network, winning some really good cash, getting additional bonus like referral bonuses and sign up bonuses while staying indoors are the top main pointers of why people are more attracted to play cricket on fantasy gaming apps than outdoors. There are several apps that one can choose from that provide various offers and bonuses. Think about this once and choose the best IPL earning app. Make sure you make the right one.

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Mike John

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