Speaking Tips To Make Your B1 Level English Exam Easy

Speaking Tips To Make Your B1 Level English Exam Easy


The spoken B1 test booking comes with four tasks and it will be based on some real-life situations. When you need to appear and win at this level, you need enough practice and you can carry it with some tips. Here are some tips for each stage at this level. Make use of it to become more confident and clear it easily!

Stage 1: Interview

The first step will be quite easier. There will be two questions and the first one will be very easy like, are you a student or working professional? The second one will be a two-line answer question. It will be on some familiar topics like school, holiday, family, etc. When two of you appear for the interview, the question will be an alternative. Some tips to focus in this round will be,

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  • The first question is very easy, so you can finish it with just yes or no. Along with it, you can also justify some reasons
  • This stage will involve some familiar topic, so get some ideas on your hobbies, family, school, etc.

Stage 2: picture story

In this stage, you will be given around 7 to 8 pictures. You need to look at the picture and form a story. This story may or may not be right. You will be given 10 minutes for this and you can also use a non-electronic dictionary for choosing some words. When you get into the exam, you will be given 1 and a half minute and you need to state a story in the given time. You should not read looking at the paper.

  • Make use of simple words.
  • Think of some new phrases and keep practicing this even before you appear for the exam.
  • Your sentence formation and how you handle the 1 and half a minute will be noted.

Stage 3: Transactional dialogues

Here, you can have three role-play sessions with the interlocutor. You will be given with the card and with some situation written in it. For example, you are thirsty and you need to drink some water. At this time, the examiner will tell who it is. You need to enact it for the given situation. This conversation goes for some time.

  • You should try to make some possible relevant sentences.
  • You can speak in any simple situation with simple words.
  • Here, your ability to communicate with each other is only analyzed.

Stage 4: Discussion

This is the discussion session with your partner. You will be given 3 minutes and some topics. For example, your friend has passed the driving test and you are trying for the same. Here, you need to have some in-depth conversations where you exhibit more communication. If possible you can also use some technical words to strengthen the conversation.

The bottom line

So, you might have now got some overall idea on the B1 test booking. So follow the necessary tips and prepare yourself for the exam. This will help you for the best outcome!

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Mike John

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