Stages of Drug Addiction Recovery You Should Know

Stages of Drug Addiction Recovery You Should Know


You most likely want an end to your pain and discomfort if you are suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction. The good news is that there is hope for you. The goal is to go through the steps necessary to heal appropriately. These are the five stages of recovery that you will need to experience to be successful in your endeavors to beat addiction:


The first step toward recovery is acknowledgment. This stage is probably the most difficult because not many people want to admit that they have succumbed to a lifestyle of addiction. The thing to remember is that you are not the only one struggling with this issue. More than 23 million people have addiction problems. Therefore, you do not need to feel ashamed or discouraged if you do. All you need to do is take the steps necessary to bring yourself back from it. Addiction is beatable.


Acceptance comes after acknowledgment when you accept that you must change your lifestyle. You accept that you cannot continue your existence the way it is today. You understand that your manner of operating is unhealthy for you, and you need to incorporate healthy actions to become the best version of yourself. You are ready to take action when you reach this stage. You’ve passed the most difficult part of the process when you get to this place. You can now start some of the challenging work necessary to change.


You will know that you need to detoxify from drugs and alcohol once you reach acknowledgment and acceptance. At that point, you can ask your family, friends, and supporters to help you find a good detox center so that you can begin your journey. A good detox center is one like the one at that is longstanding and has a long history of success. Your detoxification can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It depends on the type of drug you were using and how long you exposed yourself to it. It will be challenging, but you will succeed with the help of supportive people and reliable staff at the detox center.

Personal Growth

You are halfway back to health once you detox from the unhealthy substances. At that point, you can start your personal growth journey by signing up for some services that can help you. Examples of such services are one-on-one therapy sessions, group counseling, alternative therapies, spiritual enlightenment, and more. You can speak with an administrator who can help you discover which method of recovery is best for you. This is an important step because you will need tools that will help you to fortify your resilience and perseverance to avoid relapse.

Continued Wellness

You will need to continue your journey of recovery even after you leave the detoxification facility. You may need to enter a 12-step program and continue to go to meetings to ensure that you preserve your well-being. You may even want to connect with a sponsor who you can call if you get the urge to use alcohol or drugs again. A sponsor is a person who will give you the support you need to stay strong without judging you for the way you may be feeling or acting. He or she is strictly there to support you if you feel that you are losing your way.

Start Your Recovery Journey Today

Now you know the stages that you will experience on your recovery journey. You can start reaching for happiness and wellness now by taking the steps mentioned above. Recovery is just around the corner. All you have to do is desire it, and you will have it.

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Mike John

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