Which Features make LG Washing Machines Special?

Which Features make LG Washing Machines Special?


LG is a leading name in the market for Washing Machines. With their innovative and technologically advanced ideas, they were able to attract their consumers by making their lives enjoyable. LG successfully markets devices for every consumer category. Front Loaders and Top Loaders, Automatic, and Semi-Automatic, LG has always covered a wide range of appliances. However, what is truly special about LG is that even at a budget Washing Machine Price in India, they provide features that are mostly installed in premium products.

Twin Wash Technology by LG

For an average LG Washing Machine Price in India, the company provides its customers with an innovative dual drum feature. While the main drum does most of the washing work, the small subordinate drum is placed right underneath the main drum. Most premium LG washing machines can support more than 20 Kilograms.

6 Motion, All Round Cleaning Technology

While average washing machines barely manage to keep up with a single motion, LG outdoes its competitors with its 6 Motion DD Technology! LG’s innovation can genuinely be witnessed with this feature, providing motion combinations or every fabric type.

LG’s Turbo Wash 2.0 Technology

With LG’s turbo wash feature, clothes can we washed at a higher pace. You can avoid waiting in front of your machine to have a few of your t-shirts washed and ready for the day. However, with the twin JetSprays in LG’s new washing machines, no matter how dirty your clothes are, you can wash your clothes easily.

Turbo Drum Technology

For a budget Washing Machine Price in India, LG presents its customers with an innovative Turbo Drum Technology. The feature prevents fabric damage with its optimized washing technique, specially designed for delicate fabric.

The drum movement helps avoid tangling of clothes, hence reducing the chance of injury. This technology will help you increase the life of both your machine and your clothes.

Allergen Removal Technology

At a budget LG Washing Machine Price in India, consumers are introduced to state-of-the-art anti-allergen technology, which can help free your clothes from dust, dander, mites, and other common allergens can cause chronic illnesses like asthma. The machine follows a three-step cleaning technique:

  • Sanitization of Allergens: Uses steam to sanitize clothing.
  • Dissolution of Allergens: Uses temperature to help dissolve allergens.
  • Removal of Allergens: Uses rinsing and spinning to remove and discard all allergens finally.

LG, with its years of experience, realizes what consumers demand the most. It has been their foremost goal to help their customers experience comfort and luxury!

Life will indeed be good when innovation and technology are utilized in the best way possible! It is through sheer dedication that LG has managed to keep up with their goodwill.

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Mike John

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